《吉屋出租》(Rent)中,除了大家耳熟能詳的主題曲 Seasons of love之外,

No Day but Today  (中譯:活在當下,盡情揮灑!)


強力推薦大家去看看《吉屋出租》(Rent)喔~(小弟我只有看過電影版= =)




 整部戲的核心就是這句「No Day But Today」,中文意思就是活在當下、把握現在,歌詞裡一句「There is no future, There is no past ,I live this moment as ,My last」我們就是活在當下,對過去對未來,其實也都無能為力,唯有現在,可以真正的存在感受。


電影裡一開頭就唱著「Seasons of Love」,覺得歌詞很棒

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes 五十二萬五千六百分鐘
Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear 五十二萬五千個珍貴的片刻
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes 五十二萬五千六百分鐘
How do you measure ? measure a year ? 你如何衡量,衡量一年?

In daylights 算它有多少個白天
In sunsets 有多少次夕陽
In midnights 有多少個午夜
In cups of coffee 有多少杯咖啡
In inches 用英吋算
In miles 用英里算
In laughter 有多少次歡笑
In strife 有多少次爭執
In Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes 五十二萬五千六百分鐘
How do you measure a year in the life? 你如何來衡量生命中的一年?

How about measure in Love ? 何不試著用愛來細數歲月
Seasons of Love. 讓每一個季節都因愛而豐盛

聽到How about measure in Love時,心裡覺得很感動,用愛來細數歲月,來感受生命的流逝,愛的力量使人豐盛。只是很多時間,我們都用太多腦袋來分析思考,卻忘了用心去體會,愛與不愛,便成了很困難的事。愛很簡單,就像劇裡Collins和Angel一樣。



如果愛情能如此深刻,我該如何在每一刻深愛著你?昨天過去了,明天還沒來,這一刻,請相信我會珍惜你,保護你,讓我們的愛情成為最美麗的記憶。如果你也想愛我,就勇敢一點吧!如果你不知道什麼是愛,很簡單,只要大聲說出來就好!如果你不知道如何愛我,那就讓我來教你吧!因為,No Day But Today!

The heart may freeze
Or it can burn
The pain will ease
If I can learn
There is no future
There is no past
I live this moment as
My last

There's only us
There's only this
Forget regret
Or life is yours to miss
No other road
No other way
No day but today

There's only yes
Only tonight
We must let go
To know what's right
No other course
No other way
No day but today

I can't control
My destiny
I trust my soul
My only goal
Is just to be

There's only now, there's only here
Give in to love, or live in fear
No other path
No other way
No day but today

No day but today 


    創作者 ★a-Geng StYLe★ 的頭像
    ★a-Geng StYLe★

    ★a-Geng StYLe★

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